Privacy Policy
Protection Personal Data Policy
Candiduck Co., Ltd.
1. Introduction
The Candiduck Co., Ltd. herein (“Company”) has concern about your privacy. Then the Company shall provide the Protection Personal Data Policy herein (“Policy”) to manage the processing, collection, use and disclosure of personal data, the Company has provided the Policy in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2019 and related laws herein (“PDPA”).
2. Purpose
The Policy enforce to personal data, the purposes are collected, use, disclose, process or transfer.

“Personal data” means any information that can identify the individual person directly or indirectly including but not limited to information that you give to the Company via website, name, last name, E-mail. Phone number, passport or any information that be personal data accordance to PDPA.

“Sensitive data” means the data that make You might be discriminated, including but not limited to nationality, race, skin color, gender, sex, religion, philosophy or political opinion.

“You” means individual person who own the personal data and/or sensitive data.

“Data controller” means individual person or juristic person who has receive personal data and has the authority to decide the collection, use, disclosure, processing. or transfer of personal data for the purposes specified in the contract or specified in this policy.

“Data processor” means the individual person or juristic person who has received personal data from the Data controller for the processing purpose in accordance to obligation as the agreement or lawful order from the Data controller. “Processing” means collecting, using, disclosing, analyzing, processing or any similar acting.

The Company shall Processing your Personal data for the purpose as follows:

2.1 For compliance with laws such as the Personal Data Protection Act, Electronic Transactions Act, Telecommunications Business Act, Anti-Money Laundering Act, Civil and Criminal Procedure, etc.

2.2 For the benefit of the government’s investigation or the court hearings;

2.3 For the Company legitimate interest and other;

2.4 For emergency situation;

2.5 To perform an agreement to which you are a party or to act upon your request prior to entering into that contract;

2.6 To achieve objectives related to historical documentation or archival for public benefit or for study, research, statistical preparation which has provided appropriate preventive measures;

2.7 To present the useful service to you;

2.8 Legal Services;

2.8.1 For Juristic person entities and Licenses service;

• Ordinary Partnership and Limited Partnership registration

• Company Incorporation (Thai/Foreign Limited Company)

• Application to the Board of Investment (BOI)

• Treaty of Amity

• Foreign Business License (FBL) & Foreign Business Certificate (FBC)

• Regional and Representative office in Thailand

• Trade Association

• Foundation

2.8.2 Visa & Work Permit for expats and foreigners service;

• Non-Immigrant-B Visa

• Non-Immigrant O-Visa (Thai spouse, retirement and etc.)

• Non-Immigrant ED-Visa

• Tourist visa and 90 days report assistance

• Permanent Residence

• Acquire Thai nationality

2.8.3 Draft & Review Contract/Agreement/ Letter/ Correspondence (TH-EN)

2.8.4 Trademark & Service Mark registration in Thailand and international

2.8.5 Last Will & Testament in Thailand

2.8.6 Land/ Condo/ House Sale & Purchase or Lease in Thailand

2.8.7 Business Licenses in Thailand (with Customs, Excise, FDA, and etc.)

2.8.8 Notice and Litigation services

2.8.9 Prenuptial Agreement & Divorce Settlement Agreement (Marriage & Divorce)

2.8.10 Legal Opinion & Corporate Due Diligence

2.8.11 Registration with government authorities (DBD, RD, SSO and etc.)

2.8.12 Public Limited Company signatory

2.8.13 General legal consulting services

2.8.14 Translation & Notary Public services

2.9 Accounting services;

2.9.1 Annual bookkeeping and preparation of Financial Statement

2.9.2 Half-year Report

2.9.3 Bookkeeping for company liquidation

2.9.4 Filing monthly taxes, bookkeeping, personal income tax and corporate income tax

2.9.5 Payroll assistance

2.9.6 Social Security

2.10 Business support services;

2.10.1 Refer virtual office

2.10.2 VAT & Social Security registration

2.10.3 General business consultation

3. Collected Personal data

3.1 Name, Last name, age, address, phone number, E-mail and WhatsApp.

3.2 Copy of passport.

3.3 Information about an employment.

3.4 Financial information such as bank account or receive.

3.5 An opinion about uses our service.

4. Resources of Personal data
The Company shall receive your Personal data directly from You only. If the Company receive your Personal data indirectly from you the Company shall notify about the resource that the Company has receive your Personal data to you as your request.
5. Consent
The Company shall be Processing your personal data according to your consent, and You can give us the consent through electronic form or document form of your free will to consenting. However, the Company may be Processing your personal data without your consent in case the Processing is being the lawful basis as follows:

5.1 For purposes related to the preparation of historical or archival documents for public benefit or related to research or statistics;

5.2 To prevent or suppress a danger to the life, body or health of a person;

5.3 For the performance of agreement to which you are a party or for the execution of your request prior to entering into the agreement the Company shall use personal data as necessary for the performance of the obligations;

5.4 For the performance of duties in carrying out missions for the public interest of the Company or performing duties in exercising state powers given to the Company;

5.5 For the legitimate interests of the Company or of another person unless such benefits are less important than your fundamental rights to your Personal data;

5.6 For compliance with the law or an order of a government agency having jurisdiction.

6. Sensitive data
The Company shall not Processing your sensitive data without your consent except:

6.1 To prevent or suppress a danger to the life, body or health of a person;

6.2 To conduct legitimate activities with appropriate protections of foundations, associations or non-profit organizations with political, religious, philosophical, or trade union purposes to its members. Former member or who has regular contact with a foundation, association or non-profit organization. For such purposes, without disclosing that personal information outside the foundation, association or non-profit organization;

6.3 Sensitive information is information that is made public with your express consent;

6.4 Sensitive information is essential to establishing a legal claim. Compliance or exercise of legal claims or raising the defense of legal claims;

6.5 Sensitive data is information that is required by law to achieve the purposes of

6.5.1 preventive medicine or occupational medicine Assessing your ability, medical diagnosis providing health or social services, medical treatment medical, health management or social work systems and services;

6.5.2 public interest in public health, such as protecting health from dangerous communicable diseases or Epidemics that may be contagious or spread into the Kingdom or standard or quality control of drugs, medical supplies or medical devices, which has provided appropriate and specific measures to protect your rights and freedoms.

In addition to the above non-consent exemptions, the Company will obtain your consent for the collection, use, or processing of your sensitive information. The Company will use your sensitive information to the extent necessary for the performance of the contractual obligations. And for your benefit, in this regard, the Company will provide measures to maintain the security of sensitive information not lower than those required by the law.

7. Data subject rights
Subject to PDPA, you have rights following;

7.1 Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw consent for processing personal data that You use to consent to the Company. You can withdraw consent any time during personal data has been collected.

7.2 Right of access: You have the right to access your own personal data and can request a copy of personal data from the Company, including requesting the Company to disclose how the Company receives Your personal data without consent from the You.

7.3 Right to rectification: You have the right to modify incorrect data or add the incomplete data or update the data to be present.

7.4 Right of erasure: You have the right to request to the Company to delete data with reasonable if the Company cannot delete data as the request, the Company shall notify the reason within 30 days after the day that your request.

7.5 Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to reasonable restriction of processing their personal data.

7.6 Right to data portability: You have the right to transfer personal data that You provide to the Company to another data controller or the yourself.

7.7 Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing your personal data with reasonable.

You can contact our Data processor or us. To request to exercise the above right, you can contact us at the end of this policy. However, you can request your rights without any fee. The Company shall consider and notify the result to You within 30 (Thirty) days after the date that You request. In case the Company does not process your request without reason, you have the right to claim to the Committee of Protection Personal Data.

8. Processing
The Company may disclose your personal information or other information about you that the Company currently collects. and that will be stored in the future for partners, individuals or other juristic persons within the scope specified as follows:

8.1 The Company shall disclose your personal data to third-party for the purpose here above which your consent and the Company shall delete or destroy or send back your personal data upon unnecessariness;

8.2 The Company shall disclose Personal data upon request. as appropriate and according to the law in the event that the company was acquired or sell part or all of the business Personal information that the company collected will be considered as transferable assets to the purchaser;

8.3 The Company may disclose your personal information. Under the rules prescribed by law, court orders, subpoenas, law enforcement processes, Investigations by regulators or other cases as required by law. In addition, the Company may receive requests such as court orders, subpoenas, and law enforcement procedures. from government agencies government agency or an agency that has a duty to supervise the service and in the event of a request to disclose personal data by virtue of law, order, guideline or any request from a competent government agency. or as a request from an authority involved in legal proceedings. Including where it is reasonably necessary to enforce the Company's terms and conditions of use. without permission from you to comply with the law or law enforcement in the execution of such requests, The Company will operate:

8.3.1only to the extent necessary to maintain national security, public interest or law enforcement; or

8.3.2 according to the law, government regulations or a judgment in a case that prescribes duties or permissions expressly.

9. Security of Personal data

9.1 The Company shall provide the security of Personal data to prevent the loss, access, destruction, use, alteration, alteration or disclosure of personal information without right or unlawful as well as preventing the unauthorized use of Personal data. This is following the Cyber security Policy, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society Announcement, Security of Personal Data 2020 and other related laws.

9.2 The Company shall prevent unauthorized access to your Personal data by encryption, Identity verification, and virus detection technology as needed. And evaluate the practice of personal data protection data management and maintaining the security of company information on a regular basis.

9.3 For the period of storage of Personal data, the Company will take appropriate security measures. To process your request, The Company will retain your Personal data for as long as it is necessary to provide you services and will be kept for another 1 (one) year from the date of termination of service.

10. Changing of the Policy

This policy might be modified for comply with the Laws. If this policy has changed the Company shall notify on the website.

11. Contact us

If you have any question or concern about this Policy you can contact us at CANDIDUCK CO., LTD address 9/334 Soi Onnut 21, Onnut, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Thailand. Mobile/WhatsApp: +66841333962 and email address at

Effective date: 1st June, 2022.

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